What is Tuition Express?
Through Tuition Express, Blair Kids Academy automatically deducts tuition from a checking account every other Monday. This is a more secure and convenient way to pay your child’s account. Tuition Express also incorporates additional security procedures, utilizing 128-bit encryption. After registering with Blair Kids Academy and receiving approval of your Tuition Express account, you will be assigned a unique Tuition Express ID number (please contact the Director at director@blairkidsacademy.com to obtain). With this number and the last four digits of the account that the tuition is deducted from, families can then register their account through Tuition Express at www.tuitionexpress.com.
Blair Kids Academy is a non-profit program supported by the Blair Community Schools Foundation. By using Blair Kids Academy, you help support the Foundation’s efforts to ensure that our community’s students have the resources they need to succeed today and tomorrow.
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